Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why I don't support (RED).

Over the past few weeks, I've had to explain to many people why I don't support the (RED) campaign. It is simple. I don't care.

Now if you're still reading, you want to know why. This is what I have to explain the most. The (RED) campaign is trying to eliminate AIDS/HIV. If that was the case, I'd support it in full, mainly because if the worst happens, it can be cured. Well, what they always put into the fine print, or say really fast at the end of a commercial, is that (RED) fights AIDS/HIV in Africa.

My question to you is "WHY FIGHT AIDS IN AFRICA BEFORE WE FIGHT AIDS IN AMERICA?" Seriously folks, if you ended up contracting AIDS wouldn't you want help before some guy in Africa? I mean, yeah, lets eliminate it world wide, but lets start some place sensible. I mean, if this campaign was in, lets say, England would you support it? I'd say "Fuck England, they have their own money." So Africa doesn't have their own money, but once they can stop killing each other for a day, then maybe I'll think about sending my money there because most of the AIDS transfers come from when the rebellion in a country invades a village and rapes every women/girl there and kills all the men. So once you can control your damn selfs, maybe... just maybe I'll think about sending my money to the "less fortunate."

And that brings me to my next point. Why do people consider people in 3rd world countries "Less Fortunate?" If anything, they have it better off. They don't have all the drama we run into, or all the commodities we have, but you know what, They make the best out of what they have. And that's why I respect them.

Tomorrows Rant: "Depression in America"

Kirk Out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice work here Kirk! Good points!

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