Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome to my life.

Well, this is my first ever blog. Let me tell you more about me. I am a senior in high school in a town called Caledonia, New York. I designed this blog because I'm mad bored and on spring break right now. I run track, and I bowl. I love working on big machines such as bowling alley lane machines, and I enjoy playing softball in an adult league in my area. I also play a lot of video games. This is not because I would rather be playing video games over hanging out with my friends, my friends are just kids who would rather be inside playing video games. It doesn't help that they all live out in the middle of nowhere and I don't have a car.

Anyway, I am joining the U.S. Marine Corps. I will be going into the infantry. I leave for basic August 06th, 2007. I can't wait to leave this god forsaken town. It seems that nothing ever goes right for me. My friend and I jump out of a ski lift, he lands on his back, nothing happens. I land on my ass and break my arm. wtfbbq? Also, I was just about to ask this really hot girl out/to prom with me, and I know she would have said yes, because we talk a lot and I think we have a crush on each other.... Anyway, I was in mid sentence "Hey, I was wonder---" and then she whips out her cell phone and just has to show me a picture of her new boyfriend. I'm like... "ub3r h4x!!!" I hate life. So anyway, another thing that happens to me. I get this MASSIVE crush on this girl who goes to school and BOCES (vocational school) with me, and she finally agrees to go out with me after like 10 months of hinting at it. (I'm a shy type when it comes to this). So we go out, and everything seems fine, other than the fact that we only talk on the phone and she's afraid to tell her parents about us. And so, whatever, this is the girl I've had this huge crush on for the past forever. Anyway, so then 2 weeks into the relationship she up and dumps me. Funny part is, she had her friend call me 'cause she was too scared. ub3rwtfbbq!!! She said it was too awkward. I think she just didn't want to be in the relationship because whenever I would try to start a conversation she'd give a one word answer, or just a one sentence answer, but she would never actually get into the conversation. Then she'd proceed to ask me why I don't talk to her? And what also didn't help was how the girl she had call me to break up with me sat across the bus from us, and every time I'd look at Lisa (the girl I still have the crush on) or do anything slightly "move"-ish she'd start giggling... totally killing the moment. So you know what i have to say for you. Fuck you bitch stop looking at me.

So basically I really really want to hate her. But at the same time I really don't. So let's get a vote, Who else has this problem? Who else just wants to say "Fuck the world" and not care anymore, but can't bring themselves to do it?

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