Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fuck the Naysayers!

Yep, you heard me. Fuck em all. Fuck em in their non-righteous asses.

So I decided to change my "Depression In America" rant to tomorrow because I was watching "The World News" tonight and heard about how the troops in Iraq's tours-of-duty are getting extended from 12 to 15 months. People are all like "Bring our troops home," but what they don't realize is that the troops need our support. So instead of rallying to bring them back home, rally to end the war. Rally to support them. Buy government bonds so that they can get gun upgrades so they don't jam (this is a real problem with the M-16's and the M-4's). But seriously people, respect the people who are fighting for your freedoms, respect what they do, and most importantly, respect the President.

Now isn't it sad how today in America we all find it national sport to make fun of the President? I find it disgusting. If you're not satisfied with what he's doing, why did you vote him into office in the first place. If you don't like what he's doing, DON'T VOTE FOR HIM A SECOND TIME!!! You stupid cretins don't realize that it's your responsibility to choose who is in charge of our country. And for all of you who are going to say to me "I didn't vote" you should all just shut up right now, because I'm gonna rip into you. You didn't vote. So why should you be complaining that Mr. Bush isn't running our country right? Where is the democracy in that? You fools chose not to vote, so you waved your option to have any say in how our country is run. If you don't vote, you don't get a say. It's that simple.

I'm really angry with what our country is turning into. You people should respect those who are DYING for you, so that you can have this right. that you so abuse, to say your opinion. In many other countries out there, if you say your opinion, you're dead. If you don't go with the flow, you're dead. So shape up, fill the office of citizen and do your part. Support our troops, support our president (and by support I don't mean you have to agree with everything he says, but don't call him a dumbass or anything. Even if he has the occasional slip-up when he's making a speech. You try speaking in front of the ENTIRE WORLD and see how you do.)

So basically what I'm saying is I SUPPORT PRESIDENT BUSH AND THE WAR IN IRAQ. If you don't like it, it's your opinion, and thats the beauty of our country isn't it. So as I have so elegantly stated before: Fuck The Naysayers.


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