Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fuck the Naysayers!

Yep, you heard me. Fuck em all. Fuck em in their non-righteous asses.

So I decided to change my "Depression In America" rant to tomorrow because I was watching "The World News" tonight and heard about how the troops in Iraq's tours-of-duty are getting extended from 12 to 15 months. People are all like "Bring our troops home," but what they don't realize is that the troops need our support. So instead of rallying to bring them back home, rally to end the war. Rally to support them. Buy government bonds so that they can get gun upgrades so they don't jam (this is a real problem with the M-16's and the M-4's). But seriously people, respect the people who are fighting for your freedoms, respect what they do, and most importantly, respect the President.

Now isn't it sad how today in America we all find it national sport to make fun of the President? I find it disgusting. If you're not satisfied with what he's doing, why did you vote him into office in the first place. If you don't like what he's doing, DON'T VOTE FOR HIM A SECOND TIME!!! You stupid cretins don't realize that it's your responsibility to choose who is in charge of our country. And for all of you who are going to say to me "I didn't vote" you should all just shut up right now, because I'm gonna rip into you. You didn't vote. So why should you be complaining that Mr. Bush isn't running our country right? Where is the democracy in that? You fools chose not to vote, so you waved your option to have any say in how our country is run. If you don't vote, you don't get a say. It's that simple.

I'm really angry with what our country is turning into. You people should respect those who are DYING for you, so that you can have this right. that you so abuse, to say your opinion. In many other countries out there, if you say your opinion, you're dead. If you don't go with the flow, you're dead. So shape up, fill the office of citizen and do your part. Support our troops, support our president (and by support I don't mean you have to agree with everything he says, but don't call him a dumbass or anything. Even if he has the occasional slip-up when he's making a speech. You try speaking in front of the ENTIRE WORLD and see how you do.)

So basically what I'm saying is I SUPPORT PRESIDENT BUSH AND THE WAR IN IRAQ. If you don't like it, it's your opinion, and thats the beauty of our country isn't it. So as I have so elegantly stated before: Fuck The Naysayers.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why I don't support (RED).

Over the past few weeks, I've had to explain to many people why I don't support the (RED) campaign. It is simple. I don't care.

Now if you're still reading, you want to know why. This is what I have to explain the most. The (RED) campaign is trying to eliminate AIDS/HIV. If that was the case, I'd support it in full, mainly because if the worst happens, it can be cured. Well, what they always put into the fine print, or say really fast at the end of a commercial, is that (RED) fights AIDS/HIV in Africa.

My question to you is "WHY FIGHT AIDS IN AFRICA BEFORE WE FIGHT AIDS IN AMERICA?" Seriously folks, if you ended up contracting AIDS wouldn't you want help before some guy in Africa? I mean, yeah, lets eliminate it world wide, but lets start some place sensible. I mean, if this campaign was in, lets say, England would you support it? I'd say "Fuck England, they have their own money." So Africa doesn't have their own money, but once they can stop killing each other for a day, then maybe I'll think about sending my money there because most of the AIDS transfers come from when the rebellion in a country invades a village and rapes every women/girl there and kills all the men. So once you can control your damn selfs, maybe... just maybe I'll think about sending my money to the "less fortunate."

And that brings me to my next point. Why do people consider people in 3rd world countries "Less Fortunate?" If anything, they have it better off. They don't have all the drama we run into, or all the commodities we have, but you know what, They make the best out of what they have. And that's why I respect them.

Tomorrows Rant: "Depression in America"

Kirk Out.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter?

You know, I never got the whole celebration of Easter. Yes, Jesus has died (I don't know why we celebrate that either) and he hath risen (but in movies we shoot anything that has died and has risen again, ie: ZOMBIES) But don't tell my grandmother. I'm not really one of those religious types, it kind of seems to me as being a form of control. I was raised a (non-practicing) catholic, so I will work from that angle.

Ever since the begining of civilized man, the Priests/Priestesses were always held in the highest of society. Everything they said was done, had to be done. I believe that religion was invented to control humans. And it's doing a great job with it too. It started with the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Sumarians, in all of these "kingdoms" they were all ruled by a high priest. And don't even get me started on Europe. Kings and Queens for about fifteen-hundred years said it was their Divine (god-given) right to rule. wtfxup? And now if an
Ayatollah says that the west is bad, everybody else is going to listen to him. If the pope preaches peace, then everybody wants peace. But If I were to go outside and say "God came to me in a dream. He wants me to kill everybody." They would lock me up. But 2000 years ago, God talked to some loony's when their in the mountains, and NOBODY else is around, he tells them what he wants of people. Why doesn't the almighty just come down and talk to all of us? He could have a talk show. It could take the place of Oprah. Nobody likes her. :P

Anyway, What's up with Islam these days? Lets preach peace, but condone rioting? wtfbbq? So you say that you're a peaceful religion? Why when every little thing goes wrong for you, you all run out into the streets, start burning American flags, start shooting bullets into the air, and start taking hostages? Yeah, that's a real mature way to get your enemies to respect you. You're like the whining little 5 year old kid who's mom won't buy them candy at the checkout counter of a grocery store. But I must say that I know a few Muslims, and they are very peaceful people. Not all Muslims are like this. This makes me wonder.

Is maybe all this rioting the media's fault? Ever notice that there's always a new riot on The World News every night about something else? It just makes me think that maybe it's all set up. But then again, you may argue that people are getting their throats sliced from ear to ear by those big shiny blades sometimes. Well, here's what I have to say to that. Hollywood. Now believe me, I'm not saying that all of the deaths are faked, but probibly a good portion of them are. But hear this terrorists: I will come to get you one day. I believe it is my civic duty to rewrite the Koran and show you dumbasses how to say that you don't like something. Maybe you do it for the 40 virgins, but let me tell you something. 40 virgins = 40 not-virgins some day. And guess what? Now instead of one wife nagging you about something (which we all know is annoying as hell) you got 40. Hahaha. Dumbasses.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome to my life.

Well, this is my first ever blog. Let me tell you more about me. I am a senior in high school in a town called Caledonia, New York. I designed this blog because I'm mad bored and on spring break right now. I run track, and I bowl. I love working on big machines such as bowling alley lane machines, and I enjoy playing softball in an adult league in my area. I also play a lot of video games. This is not because I would rather be playing video games over hanging out with my friends, my friends are just kids who would rather be inside playing video games. It doesn't help that they all live out in the middle of nowhere and I don't have a car.

Anyway, I am joining the U.S. Marine Corps. I will be going into the infantry. I leave for basic August 06th, 2007. I can't wait to leave this god forsaken town. It seems that nothing ever goes right for me. My friend and I jump out of a ski lift, he lands on his back, nothing happens. I land on my ass and break my arm. wtfbbq? Also, I was just about to ask this really hot girl out/to prom with me, and I know she would have said yes, because we talk a lot and I think we have a crush on each other.... Anyway, I was in mid sentence "Hey, I was wonder---" and then she whips out her cell phone and just has to show me a picture of her new boyfriend. I'm like... "ub3r h4x!!!" I hate life. So anyway, another thing that happens to me. I get this MASSIVE crush on this girl who goes to school and BOCES (vocational school) with me, and she finally agrees to go out with me after like 10 months of hinting at it. (I'm a shy type when it comes to this). So we go out, and everything seems fine, other than the fact that we only talk on the phone and she's afraid to tell her parents about us. And so, whatever, this is the girl I've had this huge crush on for the past forever. Anyway, so then 2 weeks into the relationship she up and dumps me. Funny part is, she had her friend call me 'cause she was too scared. ub3rwtfbbq!!! She said it was too awkward. I think she just didn't want to be in the relationship because whenever I would try to start a conversation she'd give a one word answer, or just a one sentence answer, but she would never actually get into the conversation. Then she'd proceed to ask me why I don't talk to her? And what also didn't help was how the girl she had call me to break up with me sat across the bus from us, and every time I'd look at Lisa (the girl I still have the crush on) or do anything slightly "move"-ish she'd start giggling... totally killing the moment. So you know what i have to say for you. Fuck you bitch stop looking at me.

So basically I really really want to hate her. But at the same time I really don't. So let's get a vote, Who else has this problem? Who else just wants to say "Fuck the world" and not care anymore, but can't bring themselves to do it?
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